Shoring (Deep Excavation) Systems; ENG secures all kinds of structures such as roads, rail systems and buildings in the surrounding area with deep piles and ensures the stability of excavation pits.
Anchored Intersecting Piles; ENG provides impermeability in deep excavation pits thanks to its intersecting pile applications.
Bored Piles with Anchors; ENG complements the application of quality bored piles in shoring systems with anchors, which are largely manufactured with imported materials.
Mini Piles with Anchors; ENG offers project-oriented solutions with mini-pile anchoring systems for projects with relatively lower loads and where less ground loss is required under existing conditions.
Impermeability Curtains; ENG achieves excellent results with its impermeability curtains in projects such as waste water treatment plants, lakes, HEPP projects and subways.
Shotcrete with Ground Nails; ENG provides shotcrete with ground nails (blon) and minimum loss.